
Where to Find the Best Keratin Treatments in Melbourne

Jun 30, 2022, in Treatments
keratin treatments

If you are the type of person who believes the right kind of hair treatment can be revolutionary for your hair, then you are going to want to try keratin treatment in Melbourne. Keratin treatment is a popular hair treatment that can give your hair a straighter, smoother, and glossier look for up to six months.

Keratin treatment, sometimes called a Brazilian keratin treatment, is accomplished by taking extra keratin and binding it to the keratin already found in your hair through heat. This process creates hair follicles that are stronger, straighter, and smoother.

What is Keratin?

Keratin is a natural protein that helps with the growth and health of your hair, skin, and fingernails. It acts as a structural building block for your hair, so as a treatment, it strengthens and adds shine to your hair.

If you would like to know more about keratin and keratin treatments, you can find everything you need to know in this informative blog. Here, you can find out:

  • What a keratin hair treatment is
  • Whether it is the same as a Japanese relaxer
  • If formaldehyde is dangerous
  • How long keratin treatments last
  • Answers to common questions regarding keratin hair treatments

But if you are all caught up on keratin hair treatments, then you are ready to read up on the top three things you should know before trying out this treatment.

keratin treatments

keratin treatments

Top 3 Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Keratin Treatment

Before jumping into a keratin hair treatment, there are a few things you should consider to have a great experience and achieve the silky hair of your dreams. Here are the top three things you need to know:

1. Find Out What Kind of Keratin Treatment You Need

There are several different types of keratin treatments available, including formaldehyde-free, express, and Brazilian blowout.

The type of treatment you need depends on your hair type. You may decide on a keratin treatment for curly, thin, or damaged hair. For example, it is best to opt for the formaldehyde-free treatment if your hair is chemically treated and damaged.

Formaldehyde-free keratin treatments do not include harmful chemicals and instead use ingredients that are much gentler on hair while providing all the benefits of a regular keratin treatment.

You may opt for the formaldehyde-free keratin treatment if you do not feel comfortable having your hair treated with a flammable and industrial-produced chemical. If you would rather forego the risks entirely, or simply want a treatment that will be gentler on your hair, a formaldehyde-free option may be best for you.

However, a formaldehyde-free keratin treatment is not as effective nor is it as beneficial as other blowout keratin treatments since the chemicals are needed to smooth the bonds of the hair. As a result, you may not see as much as a result with your hair.

There is also the express keratin treatment. This one is less expensive than a full keratin treatment and the process is quicker, lasting only three to four hours as opposed to the four to six hours a full treatment usually takes. However, since the processing time is cut in half, the hair treatment will also only last half as long as the full keratin treatment.

The Brazilian blowout is another option. This treatment strengthens the hair, smoothes out frizz, and makes hair more manageable by having your stylist bond a liquid keratin formula to your hair. This treatment is also different from other keratin treatments in that it can be customized based on your hair type and requires less post-care, although post-care still needs to be done to help keratin last longer. This can be accomplished through correct shampoo and conditioner.

If you are unsure which treatment is best for you, your stylist will be able to recommend the right treatment that suits your hair condition.

2. Think About Cost vs. Benefit

Another factor that will influence which kind of keratin treatment to get is cost versus advantage.

While formaldehyde-free treatments are less expensive and pose less danger, they don’t last as long as their compound alternatives. Similarly, keratin express treatments are quicker and less expensive, but the desired effects do not last as long as full treatments.

So when deciding on the type of keratin treatment to get, keep in mind the pros of each treatment, which one will benefit you best in the long run, and whether you are happy with the cost you are paying for these benefits.

3. Check Their Reviews

You want to be sure you will be receiving top-notch treatment from a reputable salon with professionals who know what they are doing.

A good place to start is by reading reviews from happy customers. You can check out the salon’s Facebook page or Google them to see if they are a reputable company with many positive testimonials.

Browsing through these reviews can give some insight into what it’s like getting your hair treated by that particular salon before even stepping foot inside the establishment! You can read the customer testimonials for Cutters and check out their five-star ratings so you can get an idea of how a reputable salon serves its patrons!

How Much Should You Expect to Pay for Keratin Treatment in Melbourne?

Now that you know the top three things to keep in mind when choosing the best keratin treatment for you, it is time to consider the next big question: how much should you expect to pay?

Our prices at Cutters range from $195 to $515 depending on the product used and how thick or thin the hair is. If the hair is extremely long and thick, additional products can be used.

A professional stylist with years of experience may charge more. However, they will also have more experience with the different types of keratin treatments available, so they are better equipped to guide you on which treatment is best for your hair type.

3 Reasons Why You Should Choose Cutters for Keratin Treatment

It can be tough to find the right hair salon, especially when you are looking for one with excellent keratin treatment services. Allow us to take out the guesswork for you.

Here are a few reasons why you should choose Cutters for your keratin treatment:

1. We are an Established and Highly Rated Salon

Our testimonials show that we have plenty of five-star reviews and that our customers think highly of us. Cutters has also been open since 1995, so we have a lot of experience in hair treatments and other services. Safe to say, in the 25 years we’ve been operating, we have seen it all. Except for Sundays, we are open all days of the week so you can get your keratin treatment at your convenience.

2. Our Stylists are Experienced and Attentive

We have multiple expert stylists who can provide this service and will give you the undivided attention you need.

We can customize your style to the way you want to look, and we are sometimes able to have another stylist assist in the straightening and drying process to reduce the treatment’s process times.

3. We Provide Exceptional Service

Our friendly staff will make you feel at home and will offer tea or coffee to drink or a magazine to read, so you can relax during the few hours you are sitting in the salon.

We also have the correct homecare products and expert advice to give to clients to ensure their keratin treatment will last as long as possible.

Schedule Your Keratin Hair Treatment Today

Now that you know everything you need to know about keratin hair treatments and where to find the best keratin treatment in Melbourne, speak with a hairstylist from Cutters His & Hers Hairdressing about which type of treatment is best for you!

Contact us today to learn more about our keratin treatment services and how we can help bring the shine back to your hair!